As the final weekend of shooting is behind us, we begin the post-production of our fan film Star Trek: Between the Lines. An ideal time to look back at all the work involved in shooting a movie. We have prepared an interview with Radek (Flash) Bělina who took over a very important role of head cameraman. In this interview you will find out what equipment was used for shooting and how did both preparation and shooting look like from behind a camera.
Making Of - part I
As today we are celebrating two years anniversary since the first shooting weekend, we prepared for you a short documentary from that weekend. You can see it in our new video section or on our youtube channel (with English subtitles).
3D Interiors of a Shuttle
Post-production is progressing well and so we can show you a new interor of our shuttle Snail 2.
The shuttle received an inside and outside facelift. Originally simple control panel has been divided into smaller specialised sections. Apart from the 3D model itself, we also updated the textures for individual panels, and crew can now control the shuttle via LCARS panels in HD resolution.
Starfleet heard pleadings of the away teams and the shuttle got upgrade in the form of a replicator, here located on the left side. Pilot and navigator can now sit in comfortable padded chairs.
Poslední natáčení
Poslední natáčení je za námi! O víkendu jsme se sešli v prostorách firmy Devoteam, a pustili se do nejspíš posledního stavění green screenu, nastavování světel a kamer. Předtím, než v neděli odpoledne padla poslední klapka jsme natočili chybějící záběry a přetočili některé scény, se kterými režisérka nebyla úplně spokojená. Zde si můžete přečíst hlášení nejménovaného člena natáčecího týmu...